Research SAE in Action
How did you start your SAE?
From the time I was a little girl, I have enjoyed visiting my aunt and uncle’s dairy farm. I look forward to milking the cows or feeding the calves each time. After learning about milk replacer for calves in my Introduction to Agriculture course, I decided I wanted to apply some of my knowledge at the farm. I wanted to help my aunt and uncle use the best products and practices on their farm. With the help of my agricultural education instructor, I developed an Analytical Research SAE to determine the best milk replacer for my aunt and uncle to use for their livestock.
What do you enjoy most about your SAE?
Math and science are two of my favorite sub-jects, but I could never think of ways to apply my skills outside of the classroom. My Analytical Research SAE gives me an avenue to pursue my love of science, math research and agriculture in one setting. Not to mention, I get to spend hours each week with my aunt and uncle and their livestock. I enjoy telling my friends stories about the work I am doing on the farm.
My Analytical Research SAE gives me an avenue to pursue my love of science, math research and agriculture in one setting.
My Research SAE gives me an avenue to pursue my love of science, math research and agriculture in one setting.
In what other ways has your SAE changed
over time?
The initial stages of my research started with identifying different brands of milk replacer and testing their effectiveness with different calves. I used qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and recorded my findings in a journal. Throughout the project, it was import-ant I report my findings to my instructor to ensure I was following the best research practices available. At the conclusion of my research, I developed a presentation of my findings. I shared this with a local committee organized by my agricultural education instructor.
What are your future plans?
My Analytical Research SAE sparked within me a passion for dairy research. I am applying to universities with degrees in Dairy Science to hopefully continue my research on improving production efficiency. I cannot wait to share my work with others and advocate for an industry I love.
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