Foundational SAE in Action
How did you start your SAE?
During my introduction to animal science class, my agricultural education instructor had me use the Career Finder in Ag Explorer to identify my career interests. Ag Explorer helped me connect my love for animals to possible careers and create my Career Plan. To make sure that this was a fit for me, my instructor suggested that I shadow our local veterinarian a couple days a week during the summer months. After my parents, teacher and I completed the SAE Risk Assessment and I received the proper training, I started my shadowing experience.
What do you enjoy most about your SAE?
My Foundational SAE has helped me find and plan my career path. I love being a part of the work we do at the vet clinic and seeing the reactions from customers whose animals are happy and healthy again. I mostly observe when I am at the clinic, but I take advantage of any moment I get to love on the animals. My favorite part about my shadowing experience is listening to the staff members diagnose an animals’ condition. Sometimes I even catch bits of information and technology I learned in my animal science course.
My dream is to work at a veterinary clinic after I graduate high school and eventually open my own clinic.
My dream is to work at a veterinary clinic after I graduate high school and eventually open my own clinic.
In what other ways has your SAE changed
over time?
Over time I have used my experience at the clinic to complete a variety of Foundational SAE activities assigned by my instructor. I interviewed the veterinarian, created and presented a report to my class on the employability skills she looks for in staff. I also learned about finances and the importance of accurate records not only for clinic, but for the animals as well. By the end of the summer, I had a journal full of pages detailing everything I learned.
What are your future plans?
My instructor has asked if I wanted to start an Ownership SAE with a livestock species, but I told her we did not have the space at my house. Shadowing a veterinarian made me realize the amount of time and resources it takes to care for sick or injured animals. My dream is to work at a veterinary clinic after I graduate high school and eventually open my own clinic. For now, I created a personal budget to help me save for veterinary school. I also hope to expand my Foundational SAE to include an Internship SAE working part-time for the veterinary clinic.
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